SEO Help

Search Engine Optimization Free Help Resources

These simple tips will help you on your way to getting your site listed well in the search engines.

1) The Title Tag

Setting a unique title tag for every page of your website is the most important thing you can do. The title tag is a Meta Tag that appears as the link when people search for keywords on the search engines. It does not appear on your page but it does appear at the very top of the browser window. It is also overlooked on a regular basis. Please check your title tag and make sure your keywords are in there!

2) Content

Having good, unique content that contains your keywords is the next most important feature your site should have. You should make sure your site has multiple pages that each discuss different aspects of your business thus allowing you to focus on different keywords for each of your pages. you may have heard the expression ‘Content is King’ and it really is, have lots of good content that the search engines can crawl. Make sure not to put all that good content into a flash site or an image, or it will become useless since search engines can not read text that is within images or flash files.

3) Good Description Tag

Yes! a description meta tag is still important. If you write a description that is relevant to the website, Google will use this description in its search results. If the description is not there or does not relate, google will just randomly create a description from the content on your page which may or may not be what you want. A good description should be under 180 characters long.

4) Links and Anchor Text

Getting other sites to link to yours, is another important aspect search engine optimization. This can including submitting to lots of smaller search engines and directories, submitting articles to social networking sites or posting comments on other peoples blogs, there are many ways to increase your link count. If you think creatively and you will find many ways you can build your links.

When building these links, think about the text that you use for the link. Simply having some link the words ‘click here’ to buy some great widgets, have the link read something more like ‘Buy Great Widgets’. The text in the link helps improve your results for those keywords in the search engines.

There are many other things you can do to help increase your sites exposure including keyword research, alt tags, comment tags etc… but if you work on the above three tips, you are well on your way to a good search engine listing.